Hey, all! 

Seems like a silly thing to say, but I mis-placed my previous blog. Here's a new one. Stay put. Lots of fun gigs coming up with Màiri Chaimbeul, Owen Marshall, a new band called Apiary, Laura Cortese & The Dance Cards, and who knows what else in-between! 2018 looks fun, I think I'll keep her. 

Here are a few good memories from the past year's touring. 

See ya later!
x Jenna

Orkney Folk Festival

Orkney Folk Festival

Jack - Swanbister Bay, Orkney

Jack - Swanbister Bay, Orkney

Bamburgh Castle, England

Bamburgh Castle, England

Ærø, Denmark

Ærø, Denmark

Catania, Sicily

Catania, Sicily

Birthday cakes in Edinburgh

Birthday cakes in Edinburgh

Zoe in Moab, UT. Sunrise hike to Delicate Arch

Zoe in Moab, UT. Sunrise hike to Delicate Arch

Ystad, Sweden

Ystad, Sweden

On the train to the Isle of Skye

On the train to the Isle of Skye

4 a.m. at Kaustinen Folk Festival, Finland

Peter & Peter -  Farncombe, England

Peter & Peter -  Farncombe, England

Helsinki, Finland (photo from Jeni Magana)

Helsinki, Finland (photo from Jeni Magana)

LC & my synchronized swimming routine in the Mediterranean

LC & my synchronized swimming routine in the Mediterranean

Bar Harbor, Maine 

Bar Harbor, Maine 

Boston, MA (photo from Laura Cortese)

Boston, MA (photo from Laura Cortese)